Welcome to the USA and to Austin!
We offer free Adult American English and Bible classes for international students, scholars, their family members and friends. All in-person ESL classes are held at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, 3407 Red River, Austin. Some classes are also offered on Zoom. We are a Christian organization, but we respect and welcome all people from any faith or no faith to our program. Our Fall 2024 program begins on Tuesday, August 27.
For questions or to register for a class, please contact Mrs. Marcia Mittwede
Please note: To get the most out of this program, students should be able to ask and answer basic questions in English and follow instructions in English.
ESL Bible Class: The Bible has influenced much of the English language and American culture. English Bibles and other materials are provided. No prior Bible knowledge is required. Class is held in-person and online.
Idioms and Slang: The American language uses many idioms and slang expressions. This class will help define idioms and slang expressions that are common in daily life in America. In-person and online.
Pronunciation: Students receive instruction and practice in pronouncing words that are difficult for them to pronounce. In-person and online.
Water Color Painting: Students of all skill levels paint and share results with other classmates. A retired professional artist is available to critique and give advice on making the painting better. In-person only.
For a current class listing: Please send an email to Mrs. Marcia: marcia@ulcaustin.com She will send you class information and the Zoom Link, for those classes offered online. You may join any time during the year.
For additional information on our teaching staff, Click Here